Friday, 7 May 2010

Pine, Pine Pine. Now will you be mine?

After noticing recently my shoe collection is definitely dwindling (let's face it, it was never that great to begin with) I've been scouting for mid-heels and wedges to plum it out a bit. I have been distantly admiring lovely clog style beauties like the beautiful Swedish Hasbeens (drool).

Unwittingly, I started to browse the OFFICE website, and stumbled upon these beauties...oh dear. My heart swells...only to deflate upon realizing these should set me back about 60-80 quid. Damn. Not the wage of a poor, penniless artistic mind.

Ah but I shouldn't complain. Poor but happy! I've just finishing writing my first short film which has been in discussion this week with Threadneedle Films. I've also become a self-proclaimed project manager for the theatre company and I'm very excited for what lies ahead for us in the future. Bring on the rest of this year!

P.S My friend Maria of Carambola Camarilla recently posted an amusing and oh so true article about the stigma of socks and sandals. Have a read. I know that's what I'll be wearing these with if I land myself a bit of cash!


  1. those second ones, I have the want bug

  2. the heels are just so unusual. i'm in love with them :( oh no's
